RB's videos to date...erotic sensuous sensuality

To be sensuous, sensual is a passion on another level. It need not culminate in anything more than an appreciation of what may be on offer. 
But, to know to appreciate that which feeds the capture of a glance, that which makes fantasies burn and reason go amok...requires the recognition and acknowledgement of something so natural and sincere found within each one of us.
It is not crass nor impatient, it is neither rude nor disrespectful, it is not lewd nor taboo...it can know to be lustful and wanton, an anomaly? Not at all...to be alive need not be explained nor excused...rather...indulged and played with in the most sincerest and passionate of ways between consenting adults.

Enjoy .

Full length, high resolution videos available for download through eccomerce site.



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